GoHighLevel School

Learn how to use GoHighLevel

About Us

Welcome to our GoHighLevel (GHL) community and course, founded by Joe Luciano, a certified GHL expert and former 7-figure digital marketing COO. Our mission is to guide GHL newcomers in mastering GoHighLevel, providing practical, hands-on learning experiences to help you harness the full power of this amazing software.

Our Philosophy

We recognize that everyone learns differently, but one thing we all share is a kinesthetic approach to learning. When it comes to mastering software like GHL, the best way to learn is by doing. However, it can be challenging to know what to build or understand the software's full capabilities without real-world examples.

Our Journey

In 2019, Joe Luciano was new to GHL and dedicated over 10 hours a day to learning the platform. He quickly realized that understanding GHL's capabilities required practical application. To gain this experience, Joe offered his services for free in the GHL Facebook Group, taking on various projects that allowed him to explore and push the software's limits.

Our Approach

We apply the same hands-on methodology in our community and course. We provide you with:

- Comprehensive Video Courses: Detailed video lessons covering all aspects of GHL, designed to accommodate different learning styles.

- Quizzes and Curriculum Tests: Interactive assessments to reinforce your understanding and track your progress.

- Practical Projects: Real-world tasks where you build solutions within GHL, receive feedback, and learn ways to enhance your future builds.

Join Us

Embark on a journey to become an expert GHL builder with us. Gain practical knowledge, receive valuable feedback, and learn to create innovative solutions using GoHighLevel. Learn by doing, and unlock the full potential of GHL.

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